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Al’s Truck collection open for one more week
12-12-2024 3:00 PM


ATHOL – If the spirit of the holidays has inspired anyone to help those less fortunate, Bonnie Benjamin says, “There’s still room in the truck.”The truck in question belongs to Bonnie’s husband Al and for the past few Sundays, people from Athol and...

Displaying articles 1 to 6 out of 6 total.

Athol Woman’s Club sets up Memory Tree at bandstand
12-10-2024 11:04 AM

ATHOL – On Friday, Nov. 29, members of the Athol Woman’s Club set up the Memory Tree on the bandstand on the Uptown Common in Athol.The tree was donated by Al and Bonnie Benjamin and the swags and roping were provided by MacMannis Florist. The Woman’s...

Cram-A-Cruiser returns to Athol this Saturday
11-26-2024 11:38 AM


ATHOL – For those whose post-Thanksgiving plans include re-stocking the fridge or getting some holiday shopping done, there’s an option to do both and bring some holiday cheer to North Quabbin children and families.Area residents are being asked to...

Fill Al’s Truck drive returns for fifth year
11-21-2024 12:32 PM


ATHOL – Area residents will have the chance over the next few Sundays to drop off donations of food, socks and money to be distributed to the local Salvation Army, Community Food Bank at Athol High School, and The Worcester Fellowship.This year marks...

Sleep in Heavenly Peace to hold charity drive in Orange
02-27-2024 3:43 PM


ORANGE — Sleep in Heavenly Peace, a volunteer organization dedicated to making and delivering beds free of charge for children in need, will be holding a can, bottle and bedding drive on March 16.The fundraiser will be held from 9 a.m. to noon at the...

Warm the Children readies for winter drive
10-30-2023 5:01 PM


GREENFIELD — As winter draws near, the Warm the Children fundraising drive is once again preparing to supply coats and clothing to children in need in Franklin County and the North Quabbin region.Warm the Children was started by the Greenfield...

The Village Ultra to sponsor Victoria Rose Fund
08-21-2023 5:00 PM


NEW SALEM — Whether you can go the distance or just want a short saunter, The Village Ultra has something for everyone.Set to take place Sept. 2 and 3, the annual fundraiser will benefit the Victoria Rose Scholarship Fund. The fund provides...

Displaying articles 1 to 6 out of 6 total.

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