Petersham Town Meeting postponed after failing to meet quroum
Published: 06-06-2023 4:30 PM |
PETERSHAM – For the first time in recent memory, Petersham was unable to proceed with Monday night’s Annual Town Meeting due to a lack of a quorum.
The town, according to Town Moderator Bart Wendell, has one of the highest – if not the highest – quorum requirements of any town in Massachusetts. For a Town Meeting to conduct business at least 10% of the town’s registered voters must show up, or 105 in Petersham’s case.
It was obvious not enough voters had checked in to the meeting by its scheduled start time of 7 p.m., so the decision was made to wait a few more minutes. At 7:15, attendance was 37 voters short. So, people in the audience pulled out their cell phones and did their best to ask friends and family to make the short trip to Town Hall. But, as of 7:40, the gathering remained short of a quorum. Despite more calls, when an unofficial deadline of 8 p.m. was reached the gathering remained 25 voters short.
As a result, the Town Meeting was rescheduled for 7 p.m. on Monday, June 12, at Town Hall.
Wendell said he believed the last time the quorum for a Town Meeting was not met was in 2007. The following year, said Selectboard chair Nancy Allen, an article to reduce necessary attendance to 5% of registered voters was placed before Town Meeting voters – and summarily defeated.
There are a total of 42 articles awaiting action by Petersham voters. Among these is consideration of a proposed FY24 municipal budget of $5.1 million, a 2.9 percent increase over FY23. The total includes $2.9 million for education, covering the town’s expenses for Petersham Center Elementary School, as well as its assessments for Mahar Regional High School and Montachusett Regional Technical Vocational School.
Non-education town spending totals nearly $1.7 million, and 15 special articles under consideration by voters would account for $480,000 of the total FY24 budget. Among the special articles are debt service payments on borrowing for the addition to Petersham Center School ($103,485), new construction at Mahar ($19,275), abatement of hazardous materials at the Nichewaug Inn & Academy ($40,970), make-ready work for the town’s broadband network ($32,240), and the new fire department pumper truck ($38,700).
The town’s Advisory Finance Committee and Selectboard have recommended defeat of three articles submitted for the warrant via citizen petition. These include a request for $2,000 to help support the Petersham Friday Market and an unspecified expenditure for lighting for the American flag on the Town Common by July 4. The third article proposed by way of petition calls for expanding the Selectboard from three to five members. Supporters believe a larger board would allow for input from a greater cross-section of residents and provide greater access to board members. Opponents see the change as unnecessary.
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